          魔球Moneyball之插曲"the show" 原本以為魔球會是齣有點無聊的電影,但是布萊德彼特的演技真是令人激賞啊把一位五項全能的高中生捨棄大學學業選擇美國職棒,之後卻有志難伸,輾轉成為球探、變成一支球隊總經理的角色詮釋得很棒喔電影中有首旋律簡單卻很動聽的歌喔這首歌是布萊德彼特劇中女兒,唱給老爸聽的歌布萊德彼特在劇中雖與老婆離婚,但偶爾還是會跟女兒相聚,某日,布萊德彼特帶女兒去吉他店裡面挑吉他,女兒挑到一只喜 面膜歡的後就順手彈唱起來了一開始她只用哼的,聲音悶在嘴巴裡,不願意唱出來老爸說:come on 唱給老爸聽聽看吧於是女兒開始唱她自己的歌,用詞簡單,但殊不知卻字字句句都說中老爸的心聲(因為當時布萊德彼特排除非眾議所堅持的策略沒有奏效,反而危及了自己的前途),老爸神情複雜的看著女兒,一方面對女兒的才華感到驚訝,另一方面又覺得女兒很貼心的找 設計裝潢方法來安慰自己,卻也放出了那些原本在與女兒相會時早已壓抑下的情緒...另一個場景是布萊德彼特所帶領的球隊獲得20連勝時,聲名大噪的他受邀至紅襪隊面談,因為紅襪隊老板想挖角,這時女兒一方面不捨父親離開她去接受這一份工作,但是又想父親有不錯的發展,於是乎錄了這支歌來鼓勵她的父親 這首"the show"原唱是Lenka,她的歌聲也不錯,但小女孩( Kerris Dorsey)清 買房子澈的嗓音以及單純的吉他和絃卻更人憾動人心,連烏鴉也覺得很感動 或許是近來烏鴉情感受創而有些感同身受吧... I'm just a little bit caught in the middleLife is a maze and love is a riddleI don't know where to go I can't do it alone I've triedAnd I don't know why我有點不知所措生命是迷宮 愛情難看透我不知要往哪裡走 無法獨自承受我試過但還是不懂Slow it d 酒店經紀 ownMake it stopOr else my heart is going to pop'Cause it's too muchYeah, it's a lotTo be something I'm not放慢速度剎車啟動不然我的心就要爆衝這樣太超過真的太超過要我別做真正的我I'm a foolOut of love'Cause I just can't get enough我是個傻瓜失去愛的傻瓜因為我總是要更多I'm just a little bit caught in the middleLife is a maze and love is a riddleI don't know where to go I can' 建築設計t do it alone I've triedAnd I don't know why我有點不知所措生命是迷宮 愛情難看透我不知要往哪裡走 無法獨自承受我試過但還是不懂I'm just a little girl lost in the momentI'm so scared but I don't show itI can't figure it outIt's bringing me down I knowI've got to let it goAnd just enjoy the show我只是個迷惘的女孩我好怕但我沒有表現出我不明白我的心蒙上陰霾我知道我得釋懷盡情享受人生這齣戲Th 酒店工作e sun is hotIn the skyJust like a giant spotlightThe people follow the signAnd synchronize in timeIt's a jokeNobody knowsThey've got a ticket to that showYeah炙熱艷陽高掛天上像盞巨大聚光燈照射地上人們遵循著記號的指示同步進行重複的模式真是個笑話竟沒有人知道他們都有參加這場戲的票I'm just a little bit caught in the middleLife is a maze and love is a riddleI don't know where to go I can't do it alone I've triedA 房屋二胎nd I don't know why我有點不知所措生命是迷宮 愛情難看透我不知要往哪裡走 無法獨自承受我試過但還是不懂I'm just a little girl lost in the momentI'm so scared but I don't show itI can't figure it outIt's bringing me down I knowI've got to let it goAnd just enjoy the show我只是個迷惘的女孩我好怕但我沒有表現出我不明白我的心蒙上陰霾我知道我得釋懷盡情享受人生這齣戲Just enjoy the show盡情享受人生這齣戲I'm just a lit 會場佈置tle bit caught in the middleLife is a maze and love is a riddleI don't know where to go I can't do it alone I've triedAnd I don't know why我有點不知所措生命是迷宮 愛情難看透我不知要往哪裡走 無法獨自承受我試過但還是不懂I'm just a little girl lost in the momentI'm so scared but I don't show itI can't figure it outIt's bringing me down I knowI've got to let it goAnd just enjoy the show我只是個迷惘的女孩我好怕但我沒 澎湖民宿有表現出我不明白我的心蒙上陰霾我知道我得釋懷盡情享受人生這齣戲dum de dumdudum de dumJust enjoy the show好好享受人生這齣戲dum de dumdudum de dumJust enjoy the show盡情享受人生這齣戲I want my money backI want my money backI want my money backJust enjoy the show我要讓它值回票價我要讓它值回票價我要讓它值回票價盡情享受人生這齣戲I want my money backI want my money backI want my money backJust enjoy the show我要讓它值回票價我要讓它值回票價我要讓它值回票價 好好享受人生這齣 保濕面膜戲  .

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